Applying for a Training Visa in Australia is an excellent opportunity to enhance your professional skills and gain valuable work experience in the country. It can also serve as a stepping stone towards future sponsorship, such as the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, which could potentially lead to Permanent Residency.
Let us help you understand what documents and requirements are needed for your 407 Training Visa application.
The Training Visa Subclass 407 is a temporary visa that allows you to participate in workplace-based occupational training activities with Australian companies. This visa focuses on gaining practical experience and improving skills for a job, area of study in higher education, or a professional training program within a real-world work environment.
With the Training Visa Subclass 407, you can stay in Australia with full work rights for up to two years, immersing yourself in the local work culture and expanding your professional network while focusing on hands-on training.
There are 3 streams on the Training Visa:
• Occupational training required for registration
• Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation
• Occupational training for capacity building overseas (This includes overseas qualification, government support or professional).