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There are advantages for International Students who graduate in the state of Tasmania and the Northern Territory, and you could get a Skilled visa afterwards, but it requires more than just studying there.

States and Territories can nominate skilled professionals to live and work in certain areas, under the General Skilled Migration Program.

The visas that allow participation of a State or Territory are:

  • The Subclass 190 State-Nomination Skilled Permanent Visa
  • The Subclass 489 Provisional Skilled Sponsored Regional Visa


These visas are not new, but recently it seems a lot of people started to talk about these visas as a new option for Tasmania and the Northern Territory.

Tasmania was nominating International Students who completed one year of studies in a Diploma qualification or higher in the state. Recently that period has been increased to 2 years of study, for people starting their courses after 1st July 2017.

The Northern Territory has also been nominating people who graduate from 2 years of study in the territory while on a Student Visa.

But the nomination is only 1 step among all the steps required to apply for one of the Skilled visas mentioned above.

To apply for a Subclass 190 or 489, you need to:

– Nominate an occupation in the correct list for the visa you are choosing. You need to check if your occupation is on the state list for that visa you have chosen;

– Once you nominate an occupation, you need to obtain a positive Skills Assessment with the relevant skills assessment authority. Each occupation has a different skills assessment authority and thus different requirements. A lot of occupations require that you have qualifications and work experience, in most cases post qualification, so your studies in Tasmania or the Northern Territory may not be enough to get you a Skills Assessment, and that’s when you may start having problems

– You must meet 60 points at least, in the Immigration Points Test – having a nomination from a state doesn’t waive the requirement of having to meet the 60 points. The state nomination on a 190 visa gives you an extra 5 points, while the sponsorship on a 489 visa gives you 10 points, but you still have to meet 60 points with your age, qualifications, work experience and English test results

– Then and only then you apply for State Nomination and if approved, get invited to lodge your visa application.

So before you jump on a move to another area in Australia, please check if you meet or will meet all the other requirements for this visa, with a Registered Migration Agent.

We would love to check your eligibility and assist you with your migration plan, please contact us here.

Erica Carneiro
Co-Founder, Director and Registered Migration Agent 0532487