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Legislation starting on 17 November 2017 amended the “geographic boundaries” of the RSMS to make sure and clear that Perth and its surrounding areas are excluded.

This means employers will no longer be able to nominate/sponsor workers on the RSMS 187 Visa anymore, if the position is located in Perth and surrounding areas. 


If employers have positions located in Western Australia on the postcodes below, they will still be able to nominate/sponsor workers on the RSMS 187 visa:

  • 6041 to 6044
  • 6083 to 6084
  • 6121 to 6126
  • 6200 to 6799


Only applications lodged on or after 17 November 2017 will be affected by these changes.

BUT ATTENTION: If you lodged an application to obtain advice from the relevant Regional Certifying Body
(WA Department of Training and Workforce Development), in relation to an RSMS 187 visa position located in Perth and surrounds, your application will not be processed anymore.

They have ceased processing requests for assessment for applications submitted on or after 13 March 2017 and the Department of Immigration will not approve nominations for which there is no advice from a Regional Certifying Body.

If you are looking at applying for an RSMS 187 visa, in Perth, other areas of WA or any other regional areas,
please contact our very experienced team and we can assess your chances and give you advice about how to go forward.

Erica Carneiro
Co-Founder, Director and Registered Migration Agent 0532487