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We have partnered with the experts at E2 Test Prep to give you English language proficiency updates and to help you make informed decisions about the most suitable English test for you: IELTS or PTE.


The two main high-stakes English tests are IELTS and PTE. They are both widely accepted for gaining admission to universities and other tertiary institutions and as an English-language requirement for visas to live and work in English-speaking countries.


There are many similarities between PTE and IELTS. Both tests assess four main areas of English proficiency, Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. 

Although the scoring systems are different, essentially, both tests assess the same broad aspects of language competency.

The Listening and Reading sections test a candidate’s ability to understand a range of texts in English and to answer questions about what they have read and heard. 

The Speaking sections of both tests assess whether what you are saying is easy to follow and the ideas are connected logically. The language that you use is also assessed. Ideally, you should use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar.  Correct pronunciation, including expressive use of intonation and word stress, is also important.

The Writing assessment criteria include fully responding to a question, with well-organised use of paragraphing and other language features. As with Speaking, cohesion and coherence are important. Similarly, the range and accuracy of grammar and vocabulary are also assessed.


IELTS began in 1989 and is a more traditional form of exam with separate exams for each skill, whereas PTE was launched in 2009 and incorporates a wider range of tasks. In PTE, marks from some tasks count towards scores in more than one area, for example, Summarise Spoken Text contributes marks towards both Listening and Writing scores.

The PTE test is taken on a computer at a test centre. IELTS can be taken either as a paper-based test or on a computer.

The main differences are in the way Writing and Speaking are assessed. PTE is marked entirely by a computer using algorithms. IELTS employs people to mark the writing and conduct and mark speaking tests. You get to interact with a human being rather than speak into a computer.

PTE has 20 shorter test items whereas IELTS has four longer exam papers.

PTE Listening includes eight different task types. The IELTS Listening test has four parts.

PTE Reading includes five different task types. The IELTS Reading test has three sections. 

The PTE combined Speaking and Writing test has seven task types including one 200-word essay. The other PTE writing tasks require either 5 to 75 or 50 to 70 words. 

The IELTS Speaking test is one interview of three parts and Writing is two essay tasks, one requiring 150 words and one 250 words.

For IELTS, the total time is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. For PTE, the total time is around two hours.

In general, PTE consists of a wider variety of shorter tasks whereas IELTS is a more traditional exam format.

Which is easier, IELTS or PTE?

Neither test is easier than the other. Both require a high level of competency in English with well-developed skills in all areas. Candidates for both tests do well when they prepare thoroughly and are completely familiar with the layout and procedures of the test.

Which should I choose, IELTS or PTE?

It is best that you look carefully at both tests before making a decision. Try a mock-test of each type. See which format you feel more comfortable with.

If you are very familiar with computers and can multitask effectively in a  computer-environment, PTE might be a good choice for you.

If you are a more traditional student who prefers longer tasks with fewer immediate time pressures, you might prefer IELTS.

If you are shy and lack confidence in interacting with people in English, PTE might be better for you. However, if you find talking to a computer unnatural and that it is difficult to operate in that way, you should consider IELTS. 

IELTS Speaking Examiners are friendly and help you to feel relaxed and able to show off your command of English to the best advantage. Also, you get to speak more naturally about everyday topics as opposed to the much more structured speaking tasks in PTE. Human-speaking examiners are also very  skilled at understanding a wide range of accents and variations in pronunciation,

Every language learner is different. It is important that you choose the test that you feel most comfortable with.

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